Turkish Neurosurgery
Smilar Issues: 73 Record Found
The Paracondylar Skull Base: Anatomical Variants and Their Clinical Implications Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Co-Occurrence of Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease and Langerhans Histiocytosis of the Skull: Case Report and Review of Literature Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Skull Base Fracture Involving the Foramen Spinosum – an Indirect Sign of Middle Meningeal Artery Lesion: Case Report and Literature Review Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Increased Osseous Thickening of the Inner Surface of the Frontal Bone Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Intrasellar Chordoma Associated with a Primitive Persistent Trigeminal Artery Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Quantitative Anatomic Comparison of the Extended Pterional Transtemporal Transtentorial Approach and the Subtemporal Transtentorial Approach to the Petroclival Region Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Extracranial Spheno-Ethmoidal Sinus Meningioma: Case Report Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Intracranial Basal Cell Carcinoma with Extensive Invasion of the Skull Base Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Mature Cystic Teratoma of Skull Base and Attached to the Wall of Third Ventricle Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Using an Autologous Fibrin Sealant in the Preventing of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak with Large Skull Base Defect Following Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Compound Elevated Skull Fracture: A Clinical Series of Three Patients with a Review of the Literature Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Brown Tumors of the Anterior Skull Base as the Initial Manifestation of True Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature Abstract PDF 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of Foramen Ovale Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Anatomical Variations of the Foramen Magnum, Occipital Condyle and Jugular Tubercle Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Transfacial Approach, Pedicled Rhinotomy for a Clival Chordoma: A Technical Report Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Occipital Emissary Foramina in Human Skulls: An Anatomical Investigation with Reference to Surgical Anatomy of Emissary Veins Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Microanatomical Study of the Intracranial Abducens Nerve: Clinical Interest and Surgical Perspective Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Basilar Skull Fracture: Outcome of Acute Care without Antibiotic Prophylaxis in a Nigerian Neurosurgical Unit Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Microanatomical Characteristics of the Petrosphenoidal Ligament of Gruber Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author 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Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor PRIMARY OSSEOUS MALIGNANT FIBROUS HYSTIOCYTOMA OF THE SKULL: A CASE REPORT Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor ORBITOZYGOMATIC APPROACH TO SKULL BASE LESIONS Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor COMBINED TRANSPETROSAL- TRANSTENTORIAL APPROACH FOR EXCISION OF PETROCLIVAL TUMORS Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor EVALUATION OF CLINICAL RESULTS IN 40 PATIENTS WITH BASAL SKULL FRACTURE Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor A COMPARISON OF MICROVASCULAR ANASTOMOSES WITH THE TECHIQUES OF C02 LASER AND CLASSICAL SUTURE Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor APPROACH TO THE LATERAL CLIVUS AND MID-AND-LOWER BASILAR ARTERY VIA PETROUS APEX RESECTION - A CADAVER STUDY- Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor CAVERNOLIS HEMANGIOMA OF THE FRONTAL BONE: A CASE REPORT Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEUROSURGERY IN ANATOLIA (PART ONE) Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Editor Cranio-orbitozygomatic Approach and Its Orbitopterional Modification: Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgical Technique Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Morphological Aspects of Lumbar Plexus and Roots An Anatomical Study Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Preoperative Visualization of Cranial Nerves in Skull Base Tumor Surgery Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Technology Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Management of Calvarial Tumors: A Retrospective Analysis and Literature Review Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Results with Expanded Endonasal Resection of Skull Base Meningiomas Technical Nuances and Approach Selection Based on an Early Experience Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Children with Metopic Ridge Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Management of Dropped Skull Flaps Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Endoscopic Vascular Decompression in Trigeminal Neuralgia Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Massive Skull Base Ameloblastic Carcinoma with Intracranial Extension Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Endoscopic Endonasal Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Repair on the Ventral Midline Skull Base: A Single Neurosurgical Center Experience Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor New Entity of Skull Lesions due to Birth Trauma: Kanat (Wing) Fractures Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Neuronavigation-guided Endoscopic Endonasal Excision of Schwannoma-like Chordoma of Meckel’s Cave: A Case Report Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Depressed Skull Fractures Overlying Dural Venous Sinuses: Management Modalities and Review of Literature Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Use of Muscle Graft Versus Fascia Flap as Interpositional Material in Prevention of Reossification in a Rat Model of Skull Bone Defect Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Relationship Between the Pneumatization Patterns of the Frontal Sinus, Crista Galli and Nasal Septum: A Tomography Study Abstract PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fat and Fibrin Glue: Quo Vadis? 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