Current Issue: 2025
Volume 35, Number 1
Editors-in-Chief | : Ali Kafadar, Mustafa Başkaya |
ISSN | : 1019-5149 |
e-ISSN | : 2651-5032 |
Publishing Frequency | : Six (6) issues per year |
(Bi-monthly: January, March, May, July, September and November) |
Turkish Neurosurgery
Reviewer's Side
Brachial Artery Access for Carotid Artery Stenting: A Pooled Analysis
Alternative Magnification Devices for Microsurgical Training: Comparative Analysis
Clinicopathological and Prognostic Significance of Tim-3 and Rel-B Expressions in Grade 4 Diffuse Gliomas
Prognostic Utility of Albumin-to-gamma-Glutamyltransferase Ratio in Patients with High-Grade Glioma and the Development of a Nomogram for Overall Survival
Cytotoxic Effects of Hypericum Perforatum on Glioblastoma Cells by Inducing Oxidative Stress, Autophagy and Apoptosis
Is Unilateral Extended Pterional Craniotomy Adequate Instead of Bicoronal (Bifrontal) Craniotomy in Large or Giant Olfactory Groove Meningiomas?
Evaluation of Postoperative Prognosis on Carotid Endarterectomy: Single Center Experience
Impact of Obesity on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Induced Cerebral Vasospasm: An Experimental Rat Model
Morphometry of Latissimus Dorsi in Fetal Cadavers for Prenatal Spina Bifida Surgery
Relationship Between Defect Volume and Comorbid Pathologies in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Myelomeningocele
Supratentorial Intracranial Anomalies in Myelomeningocele Patients
Retrospective Evaluation of Radiological and Clinical Postoperative Findings of Patients Who Had Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
Posterior Dynamic/Semi-Rigid Stabilization as an Effective Treatment for Cervical Spinal Stenosis
The Effect of Obesity on the Treatment Outcomes of Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections
Evaluation of the Effects of HDAC Activity in Hydroxychloroquine Applied Human Primary Chondrocyte and Nucleus Pulposus Cultures
Assessing the Potential of Transorbital and Supraorbital Approaches for Stereotactic Surgery: An Anatomical Feasibility Study
Analysis of Intracranial Compliance Through Noninvasive Intracranial Pressure Waveforms in Hydrocephalus Patients. A Pilot Study
Efficacy and Safety of Guideless Catheter Placement Technique in Revision External Ventricular Drainage and Ventricular Shunt Surgery
Evaluation of the Sella Morphology in Chiari Malformation Type I
Erdheim-Chester Disease with Calvarial Involvement: A Rare Case of Histiocytosis