Turkish Neurosurgery 1998 , Vol 8 , Num 1-2
Tayfun HAKAN1, Serdar ARMAĞAN1, Fügen VARDAR AKER2, Levent ÇELIK3
1Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Departments of Neurosurgery,Istanbul, Turkey
2Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Departments of Pathology,Istanbul, Turkey
3Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Departments of Radiology, Istanbul, Turkey
An unusual case of two primary brain tumors, meningioma and glioblastoma adjacent in the brain is presented. The cause of such combined tumors is uncertain. Simple coincjdence may be the likely explanation in most cases, because both meningiomas and gliomas are relatively common. Preoperatively, these two separate lesions were detected on computerized tomography and magnetic resonance seans. Gross total removal of both tumors was accomplished at a single operation. The modern imaging methods such as computerized tomography and magnetic resonance not only provide the conditions for a better diagnosis before the operation but also direct the operation plan to excise both tumors in one procedure. Keywords : Adjacent tumors, glioblastoma, meningioma, multiple brain tumors
Corresponding author : Tayfun Hakan