Turkish Neurosurgery
2014 , Vol 24 , Num 1
Rehabilitation After Surgery of the Spinal Deformity
Koc University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey
The main aim of the rehabilitation programs following surgical correction of spinal deformities is to restore the patient to full function as early
as possible without compromising the integrity of the surgical intervention. The most important issue that need to be considered includes
avoiding stress on the healing spine by avoiding strengthening exercises or range-of-motion exercises in regions that will apply significant
forces to the healing spine. Early mobilization after surgery is important to prevent deconditioning and other secondary postoperative
morbidities. The main points of the rehabilitation program include patient education, teaching spine protection principles and avoiding
excessive stress on the healing spine. The rehabilitation plan should be based on basic sciences. Osseointegration and tissue healing timelines
are important determinants of the rehabilitation program that should be taken into consideration. Core stabilization exercises strengthen the
deep muscles of the spine and helps energy transfer of the body. Whole kinetic chain exercises like walking, swimming in addition to core
stabilization programs are important parts of the rehabilitation programs. Close communication between surgeon and the rehabilitation team
is crucially important during the return of the patient to normal daily activities.
Keywords :
Rehabilitation, Scoliosis, Spinal deformity, Core stabilization