Turkish Neurosurgery
Factors affecting the development of hydrocephalus in patients with spinal neural tube defects
Baris Erdogan1, Yasin Bocu2, Halil Arslan3, Bahri Unal3, Mehmet Kilic3
1Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery, Sanlıurfa,
2Memorial Hospital Group, Neurosurgery, Istanbul,
3Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital, Pediatrics, Sanlıurfa,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.46704-24.5

Aim:We conducted this study to determine the factors that could prevent formation of spina bifida (11) and the causes of hydrocephalus, which show an important association.Material and Methods:We retrospectively evaluated the data of 51 patients with spina bifida (11) who were operated at Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital between December 2021 and October 2022.Results:The mean folate level of the mothers was 7.02 ± 3.66 µg/L, of 51 mothers 14 (27.5%) had low folate levels and 37 (72.5%) had normal folate levels. The mean vitamin B12 level of the mothers was 287.29 ± 91.64 ng/L, of 51 mothers, 9 (17.6%) had low vitamin B12 levels and 42 (82.4%) had normal vitamin B12 levels. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery was performed in 19 (37.3%) of 51 patients. The area of SB defect in infants who underwent VP shunt surgery due to hydrocephalus was statistically significantly higher than that in infants without hydrocephalus. The more severe the type of spina bifida, The higher the risk of developing hydrocephalus. The risk of developing hydrocephalus is increased in patients with higher levels of spina bifida. Conclusion:Although the blood folate level required for preventing MMC still remains uncertain, the upper limit of normal reference in mothers should be targeted. Hydrocephalus is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with SB. This study showed that the rate of hydrocephalus was higher in patients with higher anatomical level of SB, more severe type of SB and a large defect diameter, SM and in female patients.

Corresponding author : Yasin Bocu