2Functional Neurosurgery Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Department of Neuroscience, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
3Sina Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.5144-11.3 AIM: Most brain tumor patients encounter cognitive impairments. Coping with such challenges is intolerable for them. Objective: This study tries to determine the diagnostic role of cognitive tests, CPT, Stroop and TOL, in assessing neuro-cognitive impairments among patients with brain tumor and healthy participants.
MATERIAL and METHODS: A cross-sectional study was done on a sample of 15 to 65 years old of 84 brain tumor patients and 84 healthy Iranians. Participants of both groups were physically and mentally examined and approved by neurosurgeons, neurologists and psychiatrists. By completing the questionnaires, they all entered the study and were referred to the neuroscientist for performing the tests.
RESULTS: According to CPT, Stroop and TOL tests, the performance of both groups was significantly regarding about age, sex and education variables (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Brain tumor patients in comparison to healthy participants met more cognitive changes on sustained, selective attention and planning. Therefore, diagnosis and assessment of these cognitive changes before and after the surgery can help rehabilitating patients' brains and improve their lives quality.
Keywords : Neuro-cognitive impairments, Brain tumor, Healthy adults