Turkish Neurosurgery
2011 , Vol 21 , Num 4
SKIMS, Department of Neurosurgery, Kashmir, India
10.5137/1019-5149.JTN .3001-10.1
AIM: Primary sacral lymphoma is rare. It usually presents in elderly males as low back ache and radiculopathy. Case report: We hereby report
a case of primary sacral lymphoma in a 53-year-old male who presented with low back pain. Imaging showed a sacral lesion which on
histopathology proved to be a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of B cell lineage.
Corresponding author : Khursheed Nayıl, nkhursh@rediffmail.com
MATERIAL and METHODS: The case is presented for its rarity and for the reason that it mimicked a primary bone tumor. Its recognition is important because it has an excellent prognosis.
CONCLUSION: Primary sacral epidural lymphoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a sacral mass.
Keywords : Sacral tumors, Sacral lymphoma, Epidural lymphoma, Primary B cell lymphoma