2Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kocaeli, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN .3570-10.2 AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes between the initial and late cranial CT scans in patients with mild-to-moderate head trauma.
MATERIAL and METHODS: Of the two thousand six hundred and forty-four patients hospitalized for head trauma within a two-year period, 112 (4.24%) patients scored 8 or above in the Glasgow coma scale and there were changes between initial and late head CT.
RESULTS: Of these, 103 had worsening CT findings. Neurological status deteriorated in 30% of these cases. Forty-six patients required surgery based on findings seen on the delayed scans. Neurological status was stable in 50% of the cases. All the eight patients who expired had abnormal CT scans initially and had progression in their late scans.
CONCLUSION: In patients with mild-to-moderate head trauma, serial CT scanning may independently modify treatment decisions in a subgroup of patients. Judgment for delayed scans should be made on an individual basis by taking the risk factors into account.
Keywords : Head trauma, Computed tomography, Intracranial hemorrhage, Glasgow coma scale