2Mehmet Aydin Education and Research Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Samsun, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.3246-10.2 AIM: Releasing the carpal tunnel for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common surgical procedure in neurosurgical practice. In this study, we aimed to analyze the outcome of patients operated on for carpal tunnel syndrome using a limited uni skin incision.
MATERIAL and METHODS: Between June 2007 and November 2009, we performed 143 carpal tunnel releasing procedures for 126 patients. There were 112 (% 89) female and 14 (% 11) male patients with a mean age of 53 (27-81). 79 operations were performed for the right hand and 64 for the left hand.
RESULTS: Each patient was evaluated with their history, physical examination and electromyelography (EMG). All patients had brachialgia paraesthetica nocturna and severe CTS by EMG. Pre- and post-operative Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Visual Analog Patient Satisfaction Scales (VAPSS) were used for clinical evaluation. There was no complication such as bleeding or nerve injury in the operated patients. The mean follow up period was 13 months (3-24 months). The mean VAS score was 7.9 pre-operatively and 2.8 post-operatively and the mean VAPSS score was 8.1. Three patients underwent re-operation because of the recurrence of symptoms. There was no procedure-related complication during the follow-up period.
CONCLUSION: The limited uni skin incision is a safe and effective minimal invasive procedure for releasing the carpal tunnel.
Keywords : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Uni-skin incision, Minimally invasive