2M.H. Numune Educational and Training Hospital, 2nd Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara, Turkey
3Tashkent Medical Academy, 2nd Neurosurgery Clinic, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
4Siirt Military Hospital, General Surgery Clinic, Siirt, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.3385-10.1 AIM: Low back pain (LBP) is a common symptom that causes enormous social, psychological, and economical problems. We studied LBP occurrence in a group of young adults referred to an army hospital for a planned health check and evaluated possible causative factors by prospective questionnaires.
MATERIAL and METHODS: This article is based on a prospective study of 871 novice soldiers of the Turkish Army. Studied factors were combined in the form, which was filled by 5 doctors on the basis of self-reports, interview and physical examination of the participants. They were evaluated by factors; low back pain episodes, monthly income, smoking habits, BMI, labor conditions, and educational status.
RESULTS: The median age of the studied population was 21.14±1.4. Complains regarding LBP were observed in 325 (37%) of participants. Twelve participants had pain episodes up to 10 points. 83.69% of the participants with LBP had psychological problems. Heavy lifting and driving for long periods were determined as serious risk factors.
CONCLUSION: Determining the impact factors of LBP in primary care groups can help to prevent development of more serious problems.
Keywords : Low back pain, Epidemiology, Young adult men