Turkish Neurosurgery
2010 , Vol 20 , Num 4
Diffuse Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation
GATA, Department of Neurosurgery, Ankara, Turkey
Diffuse cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare disorder of the brain
and defined as diffuse infiltration of brain by complex vascular structures. It is
usually associated with hereditary syndromes and presented with hemorrhage
or seizure. We report a 20-year-old male patient who presented with drooping
of the left eyelid. He had no skin lesion. The ophthalmological examination
was within normal limits except periorbital bruit on oscultation. Radiological
examination revealed a diffuse AVM comprising multiple arteriovenous shunts,
draining bihemispherically through numerous dilated veins but without a typical
arteriovenous malformation nidus. No hereditary disorder was detected. No
treatment was performed and the patient is still under follow-up.
Keywords :
Diffuse arteriovenous malformation, Hereditary syndromes, Radiology