2,3,4,5Istanbul Medipol Hospital Neurosurgery Clinic Istanbul, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.2676-09.3 AIM: Sacral stress fractures are rare fractures presenting themselves with low back and groin pain. These fractures can be treated effectively using sacroplasty.
MATERIAL and METHODS: The clinical and radiological data of three cases that underwent sacroplasty for sacral stress fractures were reviewed. The pain severity was assessed using the VAS system. The radiological investigation was performed using sacral CT and MRI.
RESULTS: The sacroplasty procedure was performed in three female cases with sacral stress fractures resistant to conservative treatment. There was history of minor trauma in all cases. The diagnosis was performed using CT and MRI. The sacroplasty procedure was performed using the short-axis technique. The preoperative VAS score reduced from 8.5 to 2.3 postoperatively.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that sacroplasty is an effective and safe procedure in the treatment of the sacral stress fractures.
Keywords : Hip pain, Sacral stress fractures, Sacroplasty