Turkish Neurosurgery 2009 , Vol 19 , Num 2
Circumferential Total Resection of Cervical Tumors: Report of Two Consecutive Cases and Technical Note
1,5Ministry of Health Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, 2nd Neurosurgery Clinic , Ankara, Turkey
2Ministry of Health, Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2nd Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara, Turkey
3Ministry of Health, Duatepe Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinic, Ankara, Turkey
4Ankara University, Deontology Department, Ankara, Turkey
To date, few studies have addressed the subaxial vertebrectomy technique and related anatomical landmarks in this method. Total spondylectomy is performed via piecemeal resection or en bloc removal in a one-stage procedure associated with stabilizing the spine and preserving neurological status. In this presentation, a circumferential total cervical tumor resection for subaxial cervical spine lesions was described. Two cases of subaxial cervical malignancy, one with primary C3 chondrosarcoma and the other with C4 lung adenosarcoma metastasis, were both treated by the anterior-posterior approach. The lesions could be removed macroscopically totally in both cases. The patients did well after surgery with preserved neurological status and they survived a considerable period without tumor recurrence. Subaxial total tumor resection can be performed safely while preserving vertebral arteries with adequate anatomical knowledge and careful surgical planning, and circumferential vertebrectomy (even intralesional) can provide a long recurrence-free survival period for patients suffering from subaxial spine tumors. Keywords : Cervical vertebrae, Spine tumor, Total spondylectomy, Vertebrectomy
Corresponding author : Kazım Yiğitkanlı, kazimyigitkanli@gmail.com