Turkish Neurosurgery
1996 , Vol 6 , Num 1-2
1Hacettepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Ankara, Türkiye1Hacettepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Ankara, Türkiye Sinus pericranii is a rare vascular lesion of the cranial vault. Abnormal diploic veins provide communication between the lesion and the intracranial venous sinus. Although sinus pericranii is well documented in the literature, we report a patient with sinus pericranii and epileptic seizures. To our knowledge, a case of sinus pericranii associated with epilepsy has not been previously reported. The patient was seizure free after the removal of the lesion. The relationship between sinus pericranii and epilepsy is also briefly discussed. Keywords : Epilepsy, Sinus pericranii