Turkish Neurosurgery
2022 , Vol 32 , Num 5
Some Interesting Points of Competition of X-Ray using during the Greco-Ottoman War in 1897 and Development of Neurosurgical Radiology: A Reminiscence
1Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Rize, Turkey2Dar Al Shifa Hospital, Hawally, Kuwait
3Carl-Remigius Medical School, Department for Physician Assistance, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
4Siatista Health Center, Department of Family Medicine, Siatista, Greece DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.33484-20.3 AIM: To investigate the competition of radiologic development between Turkey and Greece during the Greco-Ottoman War when the first application of X-Ray took place.
MATERIAL and METHODS: A literature review was conducted, and we searched the published papers about X-Ray using during the Greco-Turkish War in 1897.
RESULTS: The use of X-Rays in the military dates to the Greco-Ottoman War in 1897, which is an important issue because X-ray was first specifically used in this war. The radiographic images were used to show the evidence of pieces of bullets and shrapnel inside the bodies of soldiers.
CONCLUSION: The experience of the Ottoman Empire and Greece is important for the development of neurosurgical radiology. Both Greek and Turkish parts used the X-Ray technology before any of the risks and adverse effects were unknown. More studies are required.
Keywords : X-Ray history, Greco-Turkish war, Neurosurgical radiology