Turkish Neurosurgery
2021 , Vol 31 , Num 2
The Supracerebellar Transtentorial Approach in the Prone Position
1Hatay State Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Hatay, Turkey2Odak Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Denizli, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.31433-20.5 The mediobasal temporal region (MTR) is a deep part of the brain covered by eloquent structures. In certain cases, accessing this region is challenging. According to the literature, the supracerebellar transtentorial (SCTT) approach provides safe access to the MTR. Since this approach was introduced by Voigt and Yasargil, many researchers used SCTT in different positions. In particular, the sitting position was the most preferred as it allows the cerebellum to fall away from the tentorium. However, this position has disadvantages such as venous air embolism (VAE), paradoxical air embolism (PAE), and some non ergonomic conditions during surgery. We report two cases with tumors affecting the middle and posterior medial temporal regions. Both patients underwent surgeries in the prone position using the SCTT approach. There were no procedure-related complications. Histopathological results were as follows: psammomatous meningioma in the first case; adenocarcinoma metastasis in the second case. Thus, in this study, the efficacy, feasibility, and safety of accessing the MTR using the SCTT approach in the prone position were demonstrated. Keywords : Mediobasal temporal region, Supracerebellar transtentorial approach, Prone position