Turkish Neurosurgery
2019 , Vol 29 , Num 6
Microvascular Anastomosis Using Only 2-Throw Reef-Knots: A Technical Note
1National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Department of Neurosurgery, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
In macrosurgery creating a knot with at least three throws is an established practice. The potential disadvantages of this practice in
microsurgery include the following: the direction of the cut ends interfere with the suture line, unbalanced nature of knot disturbs the
apposition of delicate vessel ends and the excessive knot weight. A reef knot with only 2 throws may thus be a better alternative.
We have described our technique of end to end anastomosis with 2-throw reef knots in a rat femoral artery model using one way up
method. Judging from the surgical outcome the practice of two throw reef knot seems feasible and appealing.
Keywords :
Throws, Reef knot, Microvascular anastomosis