2University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Fatih Sultan Mehmet Education and Research Hospital, Radiology Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.23232-18.1 AIM: To investigated the prevalence of anomalously originating occipital artery (OA) using angiography in a group of Turkish individuals.
MATERIAL and METHODS: The images recorded in the picture archiving and communication system for a total of 114 patients, in which the whole vertebral artery, as well as the external carotid artery (ECA) and its branches, were visualized, were retrospectively reviewed. Images were obtained using a Toshiba INFNX-i 8000V (Canon Medical Systems, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan) angiography device.
RESULTS: We diagnosed 11 cases (12 arteries) with anomalously originating OA, representing a prevalence of 9.64%. In 7 cases, the ascending pharyngeal artery and OA originated with a common root from the ECA (8 arteries); and in 4 patients, OA originated from the distal part of the ECA (C1 vertebral level).
CONCLUSION: As for many vascular structures, the prevalence of OA variations may vary according to the population under question and the examination method used. Our study has shown that in a sample from the Turkish population, the prevalence of anomalously originating OA was much higher than that stated in the literature, which used magnetic resonance angiography. To avoid complications, the high prevalence of this anomaly must be taken into account during surgeries that require the use of OA, endarterectomies, and endovascular interventions.
Keywords : Anatomy, Angiography, Arterial variations, External carotid artery, Occipital artery