Turkish Neurosurgery
2018 , Vol 28 , Num 3
Practical Aspects of Neuroendoscopic Techniques and Complication Avoidance: A Systematic Review
1NSCB Medical College Jabalpur MP India, Neurosurgery, Jabalpur, India
Although endoscopic techniques have many advantages including improved visualization and magnification, they are also
associated with limitations. The objective of this review is to discuss the practical aspects that can reduce complications after
endoscopic procedures, and their management. The review is based on the personal experience of more than 2000 neuroendoscopic
procedures performed by the senior author. Topic search was made on PubMed using Neuroendoscopy, complications and
neuroendoscopy, complication avoidance and neuroendoscopy, endoscopic neurosurgery, and minimally invasive neurosurgery.
Relevant articles were selected after analyzing abstracts and/or topics. Endoscopic procedures are also associated with limitations
such as obstruction in instruments manipulation, steep learning curve, blind area, difficulty in visualization, disorientation, loss of
stereoscopic image and others. Neuroendoscopy is distinct from microsurgery and the surgeon has to learn endoscopic skills in
addition to microsurgical techniques. Difficulties in controlling bleeding, working in a limited area, higher complication rate during
the initial learning curve and longer operative time are some of the limitations. Attending live workshops, practicing on models, and
hands on cadaveric workshops can reduce the learning curve. Proper case selection, multidisciplinary team approach, watching
operative video, visiting other departments, observing a skillful endoscopic surgeon, lab training, and simulators can improve
results and shorten the learning curve. Limitations of this review are that the search is limited to the English literature and personal
experience of a single surgeon that may create some bias. Although neuroendoscopic techniques are associated with improved
results in some indications, they have many limitations. Neuroendoscopic skills need to be learned to improve results.
Keywords :
Complication, Endoscopic surgical procedure, Minimal invasive procedure, Neuroendoscopy, Training program