Turkish Neurosurgery 2017 , Vol 27 , Num 5
Supraorbital Keyhole Microsurgical Fenestration of Symptomatic Temporal Arachnoid Cysts in Children: Advantages and Limitations
1Tanta University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Tanta, Egypt DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.18331-16.2 AIM: To investigate the impact of endoscope-assisted microsurgical fenestration on temporal arachnoid cysts, and to determine the advantages and limitations of the technique.

MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty-five children with symptomatic temporal arachnoid cysts were operated via eyebrow supraorbital keyhole microsurgical fenestration targeting the medial cyst wall. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain was done for all patients.

RESULTS: Preoperative clinical presentation of the patients included headache (80%), nausea & vomiting (64%), drug resistant epilepsy (52%), macrocephaly (12%) papilledema (28%), motor weakness in the form of right-sided hemiparesis (12%) and cranial nerve palsy. Postoperative complete subsidence of headache was noted in 50%, while 20% remained unchanged. Drug resistant epilepsy improved in 69% of the patients. Postoperative MRI showed initial decrease in cyst volume as early as 3 months, only in a range of 5-12% volume reduction, and the late follow-up done at 6 and 18 months continued to show further reduction reported to be significant (p<0.001). Transient subgaleal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection was the most common complication (20%). Only 1 patient experienced CSF leak mandating cysto-peritoneal shunting.

Conclusıon: Eyebrow supraorbital keyhole microsurgical fenestration for temporal arachnoid cysts can be performed with a fairly low risk of complications and yields a favorable improvement in clinical and neuroimaging outcomes. Keywords : Endoscopy, Keyhole Supraorbital, Eyebrow, Arachnoid cyst, Middle fossa

Corresponding author : Sherif ELKHESHIN, sherif_elkheshin@yahoo.com