2Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Ankara, Turkey
3Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pathology, Ankara, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.14882-15.1 AIM: One of the most significant reasons for persistent low back pain experienced after spinal surgery is epidural fibrosis seen after laminectomy procedures. This study shows the effects of Ranibizumab on spinal epidural fibrosis in the laminectomy area by blocking the effect of vascular endothelial growth factor.
MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty Wistar rats were used in this study. Rats were divided into two groups; a control group and a ranibizumab group. Only laminectomy was performed to the control group. In the ranibizumab group, 0.6 mg/kg ranibizumab diluted in 0.9% NaCl with the ratio of 1:10 was applied topically. Three weeks later, the vertebral columns were resected en bloc including the whole laminectomy area in both groups and evaluated histopathologically. Results were compared using statistical tools.
RESULTS: Based on the statistical analysis, our data show that less epidural fibrosis was seen in the ranibizumab group compared to the control group (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Topically applied Ranibizumab is significantly effective in preventing epidural fibrosis in rats occurred after laminectomy.
Keywords : Epidural fibrosis, Laminectomy, Ranibizumab