2Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation State Hospital, Giresun, Turkey
3Giresun University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics, Giresun, Turkey
4Giresun University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Giresun, Turkey DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.14266-15.0 AIM: To evaluate the validity and reliability of Turkish version of Extended Aberdeen Spine Pain Scale (EASP).
MATERIAL and METHODS: After cultural adaptation, the questionnaire was administered to 120 patients. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, construct and criterion validity and responsiveness to treatment were measured. All questionnaires were administered at baseline, 1 day later and at the end of treatment. Patients were assessed with Physical and Mental Component scores of SF-36 (SF-36PCS, SF-36MCS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Visual Analog Scale for pain (VAS).
RESULTS: Retest scores were significant (ICC: 0.878). For internal consistency, Cronbach"s alpha was 0.908, which means all parts of the questionnaire are highly homogenous. For construct validity, Spearman"s Correlation Coefficient was 0.907, which means that items of the questionnaire behaved as expected. For criterion validity of EASP, Spearman"s rho correlations with SF- 36PCS (-0.999), SF-36MCS (-0.367), BDI (0.350), VASactivity (0.429), VASrest (0.399) and VASsleep (0.308) were found significant (p=0.000). According to responsiveness, EASP, SF-36PCS, VASactivity, VASrest, VASsleep showed significant improvement after the treatment (p=0.000).
CONCLUSION: The Turkish version of EASP seems reliable, valid, and responsive. Because of its usefulness for evaluating the whole spine as a functional unit, the EASP can be recommended for clinical trials.
Keywords : Extended Aberdeen spine pain scale, Reliability, Validity