2The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan, China DOI : 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.10897-14.1 AIM: To study and summarize our experience with the subtemporal transtentorial approach for resection of petroclival tumors.
MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty-eight patients who suffered from petroclival tumors and underwent tumor resection via a subtemporal transtentorial approach between October 2010 and July 2013 were retrospectively reviewed.
RESULTS: Total resection was performed in 22 cases, at a rate of 78.57%, subtotal resection in 5 cases, and large portion resection in 1 case. 13 patients who suffered from varying degrees of postoperative nerve dysfunction all improved or recovered, during the 6 to 24 month post-operative follow up. ConclusIon: The subtemporal transtentorial approach is one of the best approaches for resection of petroclival tumors, especially for a tumor at the petrosal apex and upper-middle clival region, and has the advantages of less trauma, easy procedure of craniotomy, and also a good surgical exposure.
Keywords : Microsurgery, Subtemporal transtentorial approach, Petroclival tumor