Turkish Neurosurgery
2015 , Vol 25 , Num 1
Can Cranioplasty be Effective in Improving Cognitive and Motor Function in Patients with Chronic Disorders of Consciousness? A Case Report
IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino - Pulejo”, Messina, Italy
The “trephined” syndrome is a relatively rare complication after a large skull bone defect, consisting of a sunken skin above the bone defect
with neurological symptoms such as severe headaches, mental changes, focal deficits, or seizures. Emerging data show improvements in
the patients’ neurological status after cranioplasty, i.e. the surgical intervention to repair cranial defects. Herein we report a 55-year-old man
who attended our Neurorehabilitation Research Institute for a chronic disorder of consciousness (DOC) due to a severe right nucleo-capsular
hemorrhage. His motor and neuropsychological status greatly improved after cranioplasty. Our results confirmed previous reports that
cranioplasty may significantly improve neuropsychological and motor function, as evaluated by specific tests, in patients with skull bone
defects, and even in patients with DOC.
Keywords :
Cranioplasty, Minimally conscious state, Cognitive rehabilitation, Disorder of consciousness