Turkish Neurosurgery
2013 , Vol 23 , Num 3
Surgical Treatment of Supra- and Infratentorial Epidural Hematoma
Sichuan University, Department of Neurosurgery, Chengdu, China
Supra- and infratentorial acute epidural hematoma (SIEDH) is a common type of posterior fossa epidural hematoma (PFEDH), representing 11–
64% of all PFEDHs. Although SIEDH is associated with typical characteristics, it might be difficult to diagnose when presenting as infratentorial
acute epidural hematoma, which is clinically silent and has nonspecific symptoms. However, this type of hematoma can often be rapidly
deteriorating, causing a sharp rise in intracranial pressure that leads to a life-threatening foramen magnum herniation. Early diagnosis and
management of SIEDH are imperative. Traditional surgical management has always required relatively large craniotomies, larger than the
hematoma itself, to expose its edge, and then tack up the dura matter). It usually opens the window and emphasizes retention of the bone
bridge outside the transverse sinus. This method can effectively eliminate the hematoma, but it is associated with larger postoperative wound,
longer operation time, larger skull defect, and more complications. Hence, exploration into a better surgical method is direly needed.
Keywords :
Acute epidural haematoma, Craniectomy, Posterior fossa, Cleaning hematoma